Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Caribbean Night! - Hosting a Themed Dinner Party

 My friends and I love to have movie nights. And it's not one of those things where we say, "Oh yeah, girl, let's hang out, totally..." and it never happens. So when I got a hankering for some Pirate Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom, I got excited for our Caribbean Movie Night. We pot-lucked a dinner party and after a couple hours chatting it up at the dinner table, watched "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl". Can I just say, awesome movie. That, I think, is one of the classics. So here's what we did to create that ocean breeze:
 -Festive Ceramic and Pebble Candle Center-piece made by Vicki
- Gold chargers for some pirate booty 
- Blue goblets like the Caribbean ocean
- An Elizabeth-Swan-style tea pot for Iced Coconut Chi Tea

 Post it on Instagram!
 On the Menu: 
(clockwise from the top) Spinach Salad, Fresh Pineapple, Trader Joe's Mandarin Orange Chicken, Jerk Chicken with Ranch Sauce and Green Onions, Trader Joe's Chimichurri Rice
 Add fruits to your water that go with the theme - 
Citrus and mint for our tropical evening.
Thank you Vicki for opening up your home and being such an amazing hostess! 
Next time, Star Trek?

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