Monday, August 4, 2014

DIY Novelty Mini-Terrarium

You'll need: Decorative Moss (similar here), novelty figurines or objects (I used Lego Princess Leia and Indiana Jones, the "is that what I think it is?" element is cute), Beads and/or glass pebbles,
A glass jar or lidded dish.
1) Begin filling the bottom of your jar with larger beads.
Add a layer of glass pebbles on top, covering the beads.
2) Add moss until you fill about 2/3 of the jar. It's mainly your own preference on how you place your moss, but I think it looks better with the greener pieces on top. 
3) Place figurines inside the jar. I had Leia and Indiana laying around, and I thought it would be a cute love story...kind of Han and Leia chilling on Endor...
4) For a pop of color, last minute I found some flowers that I dropped in along with some extra glass pebbles and some tiny mirrors to reflect different angles inside. Be creative and add different items to enhance your theme or look.
5) Finish off by topping your jar with a lid...or not!
Here are some other, larger, ideas my mom has put together with the same moss, but different figurines (butterflies and birds).
Have fun!

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