Thursday, April 4, 2013

Paint Your TOMS!

I've been wanting to paint my old faded TOMS for a while now, and I finally got around to it. Yesterday it was warm and sunny, and there was fantastic shade underneath the apricot tree in the backyard. So I thought, today is the day!  I was really inspired by tribal prints and drew from the design on a scarf I have. To re-vamp your own, you need:

 1) Draw out your design on scratch paper. You may need a couple drafts to see what you like.

 2) Paint your scratch paper to decide what colors to use. As you can see, I made a few changes.

 3) Use a highlighter to draw the design onto the shoes. Pay attention to the direction of the fabric in relevance to your design.

 4) Paint the large portions of your design onto the shoe. I found for most spots it was either easier to hold the shoe with your hand inside like on the left or laying on a table.

 5) Go back in a paint in the details, for me it was the black and white outlines, and smaller portions of design (like the dots).

 6) Once the shoes are painted and dried, use a water repellant or sealer and spray both shoes. Let dry. 

There you go! Your spiffy new TOMS!

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