Saturday, September 13, 2014

Cardio and Cowboys

T-Shirt Prim, Skirt made by me, Boots hand-me downs from my Grandpa (seriously), Sunglasses and Necklace Therapy, Bracelets Delia's and Kate Spade

Well, I'd be lying if I said this tee-shirt was just a clever saying. Fat Amy said it best: Don't put me down for cah-di-oh. Although sometimes the most interesting pieces aren't shopped for, but found in unlikely places. My Wella (my Dad's mother) brought over these boots and explained that they were my Wello's (Dad's father) "crap-kickers"...but Wella used a more colorful word. I like to think of them as "authentic-cowboy" boots. Whatever you call them, they will work great with a skirt or jeans as they are a classic dark leather and have special details like the extra pointy toe and cross stitch up the side. Thanks Wello! 

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