Sunday, June 2, 2013


Jeans American Eagle, T-Shirt Target, Cardigan Nordstrom, Shoes Old Navy, Sunglasses Nordstrom, Ring Kate Spade, Lip color Revlon Fire and Ice 

Sometimes feeling the "swag" is all you need. I will regret horribly saying "swag" later, but for now that's ok. But sometimes all it takes is the right combination of comfort and style to make you feel your best. It is amazing how the way you dress can affect your mood and even how you see yourself. Here, I went for some shades that were a little out of my comfort zone, the trendy round shape but my favorite mint. I've found when trying something new, ease yourself into it. New shape, familiar color. Crazy print, tried and true silhouette. Yeah? Awesome. So moral of the story, when you feel confident, people see that and feel good back to you, and in return you feel fabulous! 

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