Monday, March 12, 2012

15 Minutes

You know that scene in the movie Julie and Julia where she makes the boeuf-bourguignon, sets the timer for two and a half hours, but then she falls asleep and burns the stew? There's a certain level of anxiety the audience experiences as that annoying beeping goes off and she doesn't wake up and everyone yells, "WAKE UP!!! NOOOOO!!!!" Well I'm sure my audience was yelling at me while the minutes ticked by this morning. My little brother walked into my room and announced with a slight note of panic in his voice, "Shelby it's 7:30!" No, it's not, I told myself, it can't be 15 minutes before my walk-to-school buddy arrives and less than 30 minutes before I have to be in my English class. But never the less, it was. And drum-roll please, it took me 12 minutes to get from bed to ready and 3 to pack my junk. Can I hear a whoot-whoot? And much thanks to Nicholas, my little savior in a baseball cap, who found the decency in his heart to check up on his big sis. 

Happy Word Of The Day: Content


  1. nice blog shel-bell. keep on posting haha... dont stand on the grass :)
